Meeting the Beautiful Me

“You are pretty!!” “You are so fair!!” “You are not fat!” “Oh God, You are so dark!” “You are so fat!!” “You are so short!!”
All of the statements above have been said to me and you might have noticed how conflicting they are. All of them were said in the same year. So these aren’t some past birth statements that I am talking about here.

Over the years as I have grown older and wiser, the statement “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” has become more meaningful to me but along with it came another realization “Beauty is relative”. For example, if I go to Kashmir or Punjab I would be considered dark and maybe even ugly as most of the people there are fair whereas if I go to Tamil Nadu or even West Bengal, I would be considered fair relative to their general skin colour. Similarly, if I go to Malaysia, my height won’t be an issue. I would be of average height. Whereas if I go to the United States of America, I might (read will) be counted as short. Similarly, people in the United States of America have parlours to get tanned skin and people in India are using Fair and Lovely to become “fair” and “lovely”. And the thing is, I may be giving examples of different cities, cultures and countries but we don’t have to go that far, the same person can look pretty to one and not so pretty to another. For God’s sake, some people do not find Aishwarya Rai beautiful (what!!!).

So my friend, never ever think you are not pretty enough or tall enough or fair enough or tan enough. You are just not among the right people who would appreciate what you have. And considering it is not always possible to switch cities or countries, learn to love yourself as they say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Become that beholder. It has taken me a lot of time to be comfortable in my skin. I hope you won’t take as much.

Let’s just start believing “I am beautiful”.

Previous reads
When I Met Superman
Visioning the Future
